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 Castle / 19381
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Re: Brickfest PDX photos (finally)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates
Sat, 28 Feb 2004 18:17:00 GMT
590 times
In, Stephen Fisher wrote:
That pic of me was taken on Friday night when I was literally beat to
hell :) I was 8 hours late arriving to the fest (long drive) and exhausted
from packing/driving/unpacking. And that pic of my display when I was
about 5% of the way into setting it up. Not to mention I look like I'm a
zombie - course I was ;)

I can't believe you got that huge table set up so quickly!

Luckily, my patient wife and son tagged along

They seemed to be having a good time too:

I do find it interesting how most pics of my stuff is classified as
Pirate, even though I've only bought 1 or 2 pirate sets in my life
(small ones at that). I'm not offended in the least as I love the Pirate
theme. I think it must be that I usually tow a couple small boats along
with me and my mini-water castle attracts Pirate fiends.

I see it as kind of a blend, even crossing into Town with the river rafters
and stuff.

It's one of those wonderful things where you talk to people and they see
your stuff in a whole different light - though never mistaken for Space.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickfest PDX photos (finally)
(...) Yikes! (URL) pic of me was taken on Friday night when I was literally beat to hell :) I was 8 hours late arriving to the fest (long drive) and exhausted from packing/driving/unpacking. And that pic of my display when I was about 5% of the way (...) (21 years ago, 28-Feb-04, to, lugnet.castle, lugnet.pirates)

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