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 Castle / 18995
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Re: The BrickLords need you !
lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 15:40:36 GMT
11254 times
At 03:29 AM 1/2/2004, you wrote:
The goodday for your seigniories,

The BrickLords guild needs prouds and courageous knights to fight the Darklord
and his evil legions.
We search for warriors that accepts to enter the Deep in order to find the
Turmhylein's artefacts and become the champion of the free realm's.
Are you ? If you think that you are the minifig we need, join our rows at
Deepgate (

If you are just curious about what LEGO(r) castle faction the BrickLords are,
you can visit the guild and/or Deepgate, the town where the last gate to the
Deep is still open.

With respect,
Denix, BrickLords great commander

Here are some teasers :

You want me, you got me. Aerandir Telrúnya has joined the ranks of the

However, I get an error whenever I try to play:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in /home/bricklor/www/jeu/moteur.php on line 87

I get that error when I click on the doors to advance from the entrance to
the 1st level.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The BrickLords need you !
(...) Thanks Lord. With you in our rank, we will be victorious ! (...) You are the second person to have such error. I don't know why. I try to find it ... Denix (21 years ago, 2-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle,,, lugnet.gaming)

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