At 03:29 AM 1/2/2004, you wrote:
> The goodday for your seigniories,
> The BrickLords guild needs prouds and courageous knights to fight the Darklord
> and his evil legions.
> We search for warriors that accepts to enter the Deep in order to find the
> Turmhylein's artefacts and become the champion of the free realm's.
> Are you ? If you think that you are the minifig we need, join our rows at
> Deepgate (http://www.bricklords.net).
> If you are just curious about what LEGO(r) castle faction the BrickLords are,
> you can visit the guild and/or Deepgate, the town where the last gate to the
> Deep is still open.
> With respect,
> Denix, BrickLords great commander
> P.S:
> Here are some teasers :
> http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=596197
> http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=596198
You want me, you got me. Aerandir Telrúnya has joined the ranks of the
However, I get an error whenever I try to play:
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in /home/bricklor/www/jeu/moteur.php on line 87
I get that error when I click on the doors to advance from the entrance to
the 1st level.
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