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 Castle / 17812
    Re: The Classic Castle City Standard —Jeff Byrd
   (...) Instructions? I think it is fairly straight forward, but I can make some if (...) Call me crazy...but I thought the walls/corners/gatehouse were to be made like the ones you made. That's why I asked about instructions. Shouldn't we try to (...) (22 years ago, 24-Aug-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
        Re: The Classic Castle City Standard —Leonard Hoffman
   (...) YOU"RE CRAZY! (but you already knew that). Personally, I don't care for the corner/gatehouse that I built. But I can supply instructions (it'll take me a bit, but I'll do it :) ). (...) I expect that having everything light grey will do most (...) (22 years ago, 26-Aug-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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