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Re: Bounderby's Shipping Company
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 03:32:20 GMT
1227 times
Hi Nick,

Thanks for sharing this MOC.
I especially like the way the front works out.
Plenty of exciting shapes and colorful without becoming
chaotic, not a small feat IMO.
The whole building is cleverly engineered with everything
fitting together nicely and making the building accessible
in various ways.
Using docks and water seems an addition to the MM
standard, I guess. I don't see why a market can't be at a

You mention building with stone on sand. IRL the problem
of building on a terrain that cannot sufficiently carry the
weight is solved by drilling large poles in the ground and
building on top of those. So there shouldn't be a problem
with Lego buildings on a beach. You simply claim it was
built that way, only you cannot see the poles.

Regards, Twan.

"Nick Oranzi" <> wrote in message
Presenting........[Bounderby's Shipping Warehouse]




For all your shipping needs across the globe!  With his headquaters • in Sirob,
Josiah provides lightning quick delivery and the safest storage • anyware at
affordable prices.  Have valuable goods?  Lock 'em up in our state • of the art,
secured vault, guarded 24/7


For the very best, choose Bounderby's Shipping company!

<> (post mod)

my next entry into the Medieval Marketplace, a shipping docks.  It • breaks into
three sections with two removable roofs for accessability.  The • crane on top
allows large packages to be hoisted over the walls and stored, • upstairs is
Bounderbys office with ledger and a jug of wine.  Across, only • accessible by
passing through his office, is the vault, usually guarded, but not • in the

One of the problems not addressed in the MM standard is bordering • water.  Most
likely it would not be on the beach since sand would be bad terrain • for a stone
shipping yard, as well as shallow waters, so i added these • bulkheads, which look
quite nice, even better if i had them in brown.


I tried to work on my photography with my new camera and i think its • a bit

So enjoy.


Message is in Reply To:
  MM: Bounderby's Shipping Company
Presenting........Bounderby's Shipping Warehouse (3 URLs) For all your shipping needs across the globe! With his headquaters in Sirob, Josiah provides lightning quick delivery and the safest storage anyware at affordable prices. Have valuable goods? (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jul-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 

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