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 Castle / 16878
    Re: Trebuchets —Stephen Wroble
   Hello John, There's a good write up on medieval siege weapons (they call them "non gunpowder artillery") at: (URL) use this as my main source, but I've found other sites with slightly different information. Stephen (22 years ago, 14-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Trebuchets —John P. Henderson
   (...) Wow. That really is a great source! I would say any builders with questions about castle weaponry would do well to start there. Thanks for the URL! -Hendo (22 years ago, 16-May-03, to lugnet.castle)
        Re: Trebuchets —Stephen Wroble
   I'm glad you liked the siege weapons site. I found it when I was building my catapult. I've started doing more historical research when I build. Not that I'm all that accurate in my MOCs, but I do get some great ideas that way! Stephen (22 years ago, 17-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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