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Re: My wife's Lord of the Rings Mini Figures
Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:09:44 GMT
Timothy D. Freshly <TIMOTHY.FRESHLY@avoidspamVERIZON.NET>
1147 times

Very nice.  I think my favorite is Aragorn, although the minifig head used
for Gandalf is perfect.

One non-Lego question - from where did you get the background map of western


"James Mathis" <> wrote in message
I don't follow Lord of the Rings topics much, and less in the brick-form; • my
apologies.  But, I want to share that my wife does, and she has made a • rare
foray into building due to LotR.  She has made the following figs from • bits
and parts from my mini-fig and accessories collection:

Gandalf's cape is custom-- paper with penciling to gray it.  Please • forgive
the huge Dwarf ;-) and short Elf.

Thanks for browsing.
James Mathis

Message is in Reply To:
  My wife's Lord of the Rings Mini Figures
I don't follow Lord of the Rings topics much, and less in the brick-form; my apologies. But, I want to share that my wife does, and she has made a rare foray into building due to LotR. She has made the following figs from bits and parts from my (...) (22 years ago, 28-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)  

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