Re: New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 21:25:06 GMT
693 times
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In lugnet.castle, William Lister writes:
> Here is the link to the new village MOCs:
I like them all! My favorite has to be the barrel maker's house. The dark
gray and blue color scheme works great. The new mill is good, I like how it
comes apart, but I am not too keen on the red, green, and yellow windows. The
colors just don't go together in my opinion... The monk's hut is great, I love
the roof. But I think the black frame could be a bit thinner, with more white
between each beam. Overall, the buildings work well together. I hope to seem
furniture someday :)
> Just for fun I built an army of Centaur's. The idea for the centaurs came from
> Onishi Shinjis green centaur. I didn't have enough peg legs for the whole army,
> but I think the minifig leg centaurs still look pretty good.
I like 'em. Excellent adaptation of Onishi's design. I think some of them
look better with the minifig legs; brown peg legs wouldn't match the dark gray
soldiers IMO. You did a great job on the custom weapons strewn throughout, I
always like double sided axes! But where did you get all those rounded 1x3
bricks?? I have about 3!
~Kevin Blocksidge~
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
| (...) dark (...) love (...) white (...) seem (...) from (...) army, (...) Hi Kevin, Thanks for the Comments. The mill is waiting for some of the White panes from bricklink. I would have preferred black or brown frames, but those are a bit pricey. (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
| | New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
| Hi All, I am slowly adding to my Village. Right now this is not a completed village and the houses are still mostly just shells, but as I get time I will be adding details and figs and putting the lot together into a village. Initially planned for a (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
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