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 Castle / 16162
16161  |  16163
Re: New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 21:25:06 GMT
693 times
In lugnet.castle, William Lister writes:

Here is the link to the new village MOCs:

    I like them all!  My favorite has to be the barrel maker's house.  The dark
gray and blue color scheme works great.  The new mill is good, I like how it
comes apart, but I am not too keen on the red, green, and yellow windows.  The
colors just don't go together in my opinion...  The monk's hut is great, I love
the roof.   But I think the black frame could be a bit thinner, with more white
between each beam.   Overall, the buildings work well together.  I hope to seem
furniture someday :)

Just for fun I built an army of Centaur's. The idea for the centaurs came from
Onishi Shinjis green centaur. I didn't have enough peg legs for the whole army,
but I think the minifig leg centaurs still look pretty good.

I like 'em.  Excellent adaptation of Onishi's design.  I think some of them
look better with the minifig legs; brown peg legs wouldn't match the dark gray
soldiers IMO.  You did a great job on the custom weapons strewn throughout, I
always like double sided axes!  But where did you get all those rounded 1x3
bricks?? I have about 3!

~Kevin Blocksidge~

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
(...) dark (...) love (...) white (...) seem (...) from (...) army, (...) Hi Kevin, Thanks for the Comments. The mill is waiting for some of the White panes from bricklink. I would have preferred black or brown frames, but those are a bit pricey. (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Medieval Village Mocs and a Centaur Army
Hi All, I am slowly adding to my Village. Right now this is not a completed village and the houses are still mostly just shells, but as I get time I will be adding details and figs and putting the lot together into a village. Initially planned for a (...) (22 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)

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