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 Castle / 1499
    The complete Gryphon's Nest —Pawel Nazarewicz
   Well - I got all the pictures us. There is a link from it on both my main site: (URL) then go to "structures" or directly here: (URL) with this model I tried to fix one main problem: accessibility. As you will notice, there are really four main (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: The complete Gryphon's Nest —Craig Hamilton
     (...) awesome as usual, pawel! the wolf's head is a _great_ detail! i've always wanted to see a big wolfpack castle, and this is it! i like the way the red roofs, and lots of dark grey stone keep the original wp color scheme. your dungeon has all (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle,
        Re: The complete Gryphon's Nest —Ryan Spackman
   (...) I remember this caste and story from years ago. Wish we could still see the pics. Any chance Pawal is still on here? The links here no longer works (It has been almost 20 years...) (5 years ago, 24-Mar-20, to lugnet.castle,

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