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 Castle / 14919
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Re: My new Outpost
lugnet.western, lugnet.castle
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 01:39:16 GMT
155 times
In lugnet.western, Bruce Hietbrink writes:

Very nice!  I like a lot of the daily life details like the barracks and
mess hall.  The waterfall opening is cool, too.  Where does it lead?  I did
wonder a bit why the commander would want to be dropped into the river
below.  It's not the sort of thing I look for in my office.  :)  Anyway,
very nice work.  If this was just a "test MOC" I'd love to see what you
consider a full-fledged effort in this theme.  :)


    Thanks Bruce,

        The opening leads... nowhere (it's just a test MOC). Rest assured in
a real effort it would go somewhere. The commander thing was just a take off
on the Lego Redo (with a trademark waterfall to jaz it up). I wanted to do a
lot of bunks and a kitchen but I ran out of room...

       Look out for a real fort when I get settled.

          Thanks again and God Bless,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My new Outpost
Nathan, Very nice! I like a lot of the daily life details like the barracks and mess hall. The waterfall opening is cool, too. Where does it lead? I did wonder a bit why the commander would want to be dropped into the river below. It's not the sort (...) (22 years ago, 31-Oct-02, to lugnet.western, lugnet.castle)

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