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 Castle / 14468
14467  |  14469
Re: The Mill
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 01:50:42 GMT
852 times
In lugnet.castle, Reed Anderson writes:
The miller was the third most respected person in villages of ancient times,
below only those of the religious order and the duke of the village.
Without a mill, the village would go hungry, thus, the owner of the mill
often was greedy and shrewd.  After milling flour, they would often push
their thumb down on the weighing scale so as to receive more money from the
unlucky grower of the wheat.

My model of the millers shop and windmill is part of a larger village MOC
I'm working on (currently 96x96 studs).  Located on the foothills of the
Northern Mountains, it receives moderate wind to turn the sails, and is in
close proximity to a nearby grain barn.  Though I didn't install a motor,
the sails can be hand turned on a simple axle.

The Folder:

Great work!

I particularly like the way you used the slightly raised baseplate, the
shape of the windmill tower, and the clever construction of the roof on the
miller's shop.



Message is in Reply To:
  The Mill
The miller was the third most respected person in villages of ancient times, below only those of the religious order and the duke of the village. Without a mill, the village would go hungry, thus, the owner of the mill often was greedy and shrewd. (...) (22 years ago, 29-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle)  

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