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 Castle / 14447
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Re: Harry Potter (CofS) and monster sets good for new elements
lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 05:33:45 GMT
148 times
In lugnet.harrypotter, Benjamin Medinets writes:
....and improved ones too... :)
Dumbledore's Office has Professor McGonagall (who makes a nice green witch),
a light-grey dragon "dragon" element for a horse, the light grey quarter
cylander pieces (which can be had in the droid escape sets)

What is not apparent on the pictures is dark grey dragon wings (looks great
on a black dragon) and a dark grey scorpion. 4 cylinder pieces are plain
grey, 4 are grey with stone pattern print.
Arne, Copenhagen

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  Harry Potter (CofS) and monster sets good for new elements
....and improved ones too... :) The Chamber of Secrets has the phoenix, Ginny's red hair (in the straight, parted look), Gilderoy Lockhart pinkish suit, and blonde coiffed hair, not to forget the awesome printed serpent shield, and serpent wall (...) (22 years ago, 20-Sep-02, to lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.castle)

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