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 Castle / 13875
  Contest update
It isn't voteing time yet but we finally got some entries. To show you the contest is real here is the nominies we have now. 1) best all around MOC 2) this scene: (URL) Best large castle or fortress MOC 3) Palace of Tolidar (URL) Arrandrall (URL) (...) (22 years ago, 1-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Contest update
Hi all, As I just announced, I've moved my site to ozbricks. As such my entries for this contest have new addresses. Here they are: (...) this scene: (URL) (...) Orthanc: (URL)12)best landscape (...) (URL)13) best non human race (...) (URL)14)Best (...) (22 years ago, 14-Aug-02, to lugnet.castle)

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