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 Castle / 13748
13747  |  13749
Arkenon the Evil Wizard...
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:18:49 GMT
764 times
In June, I exchanged a minifig with Richard Noeckel at the monthly dinner
at Mel's.

I gave him a guarded inn archer for a custom minifig.

Since then, I changed his face out for a Darth Maul face, and re-glued the
horns on his head, which came off at the dinner.

I finally want to show him to the world as Arkenon.

Thanks to Richard for the great minifig.  I hope you aren't too upset that
I swapped faces!!

He also came with a great banner, but I cannot find it...I know its around
somewhere.... though I don't think the banner applies to him now!! :)


ps ... here is the deep link:

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