Re: Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made?
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 10:54:09 GMT
1018 times
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Shiri wrote:
> In lugnet.castle, Jonathan Wilson writes:
> > Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made, including the new
> > 2000
> > sets and all the special valuepack/promo/etc sets?
> > I know that there is someone out there with a list/database but I do not
> > know
> > who it is.
> LUGNET itself, I think, has such a database.
> Don't know how complete it is, but get there by going to Home, then look at
> the yellow area. Where it says "reference", the second item is "browse sets".
> It is categorized and easy to use.
> Good luck!
> -Shiri
That is all well and good but I need one that is all in one file that I can
browse offline and also there are gaps in the db.
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