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 Castle / 1214
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Re: Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made?
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 10:54:09 GMT
1018 times
Shiri wrote:

In lugnet.castle, Jonathan Wilson writes:
Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made, including the new
sets and all the special valuepack/promo/etc sets?
I know that there is someone out there with a list/database but I do not
who it is.

LUGNET itself, I think, has such a database.
Don't know how complete it is, but get there by going to Home, then look at
the yellow area. Where it says "reference", the second item is "browse sets".
It is categorized and easy to use.

Good luck!


That is all well and good but I need one that is all in one file that I can
browse offline and also there are gaps in the db.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made?
(...) sets". (...) Jonathan, try here: (URL) accessible by clicking "Pause Guide" on the LUGnet main page under Reference, then on "Set Lists".) They are lists generated from the LUGnet main database. I suggest grabbing the list by theme (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made?
My Castle listing (with my sale prices) can be found from either of the web pages in my sig. It is a complete list, except for the new 2000 sets and the Weetabix Castle (I don't know the number) and set 1680, which we discussed in this very (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Does anyone have a list of every castle set ever made?
(...) LUGNET itself, I think, has such a database. Don't know how complete it is, but get there by going to Home, then look at the yellow area. Where it says "reference", the second item is "browse sets". It is categorized and easy to use. Good (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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