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 Castle / 11070
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Re: My site - Lego Lord of the Rings etc
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 13:15:46 GMT
629 times
In lugnet.announce, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
Hi all,

I've finally got my Lugnet membership and posting priveliges,
so I'd like to invite the community to visit my site, creatively
titled "Bruce's Lego Site".  Mostly story telling on a minifig
scale.  My main project is The Lord of the Rings, which will be
ongoing for a while.  Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Bruce Hietbrink

P.S.  Followups set to lugnet.castle

Your site looks pretty good.  Simplistic sets, but the definitely convey the
story.  I like your minifig hobbits.

Good stuff,

Jason Spears

Message is in Reply To:
  My site - Lego Lord of the Rings etc
Hi all, I've finally got my Lugnet membership and posting priveliges, so I'd like to invite the community to visit my site, creatively titled "Bruce's Lego Site". Mostly story telling on a minifig scale. My main project is The Lord of the Rings, (...) (23 years ago, 3-Dec-01, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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