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 Castle / 10620
10619  |  10621
Re: New Castle up on my site
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 02:49:16 GMT
857 times
Very nice design, very natural looking.  I like the way you used the red
"endcap" roof piece at the end of the roof; even though it doesn't match up
exactly, it still looks pretty natural.

I also really like your custom torsos (the bird design), but is the eagle
head design a custom?  Because I have the large foam shield that has that
exact logo, so is it an early, official torso, or a custom?


In lugnet.castle, James Stacey writes:
The pictures of my latest MOC are up on my site
please LMKWYT

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: New Castle up on my site
(...) I agree about good usage of the red tower piece. It really added a lot of character to the design. I also missed your 9-10 submission, red house with a courtyard. Another fine piece of work! Brian K> The eagle emblem wasn't released here in (...) (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
  Re: New Castle up on my site
Nice work James! Can you tell me where you got the red "end-cap" roof piece? Cheers, Paul. (...) (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to lugnet.castle,

Message is in Reply To:
  New Castle up on my site
The pictures of my latest MOC are up on my site please LMKWYT James (23 years ago, 4-Oct-01, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general, ! 

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