Re: Factions (and violence)
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:05:13 GMT
2049 times
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> LEGO was proud of having never produced sets that glorify war and violence.
> They never produced (and I guess they won't ever produce) "Kriegsspielzeug"
> like WWI or WWII tanks, bombers and so on.
> But of course, swords and spears are purposed to violence. And nowadays
> there ain't any sets that NOT include a revolver and/or a gun and/or a
> skeleton (= minifig brought from life to death...).
im not familiar with the term, kriegsspielzeug (although im gonna take a guess
at something like 'modern war').. could you explain it for me?
i think im reading too much theoretical discourse on the nature of violence in
the modernist vision.. how we (western modern culture) see ourselves as
peaceful, but in reality we are genocidal.
but i digress.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Factions (and violence)
| (...) Krieg: war. Spiel: game. Zeug: well, hazy on that one. "Stuff"? Of course, I use the castle and pirates stuff for games.... Bruce (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Factions (and violence)
| Hello! (...) LEGO was proud of having never produced sets that glorify war and violence. They never produced (and I guess they won't ever produce) "Kriegsspielzeug" like WWI or WWII tanks, bombers and so on. But of course, swords and spears are (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle)
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