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 Castle / *23875 (-10)
  Chapter 4 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustrations
Chapter four is now live. This chapter follows a young lordling Stephen Gafarty of Fort Ellison. There are still two more POV characters that are going to be introduced over the next two weeks and the story will really get going and come together. (...) (8 years ago, 3-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 4 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustrations
Chapter four is now live. This chapter follows a young lordling Stephen Gafarty of Fort Ellison. There are still two more POV characters that are going to be introduced over the next two weeks and the story will really get going and come together. (...) (8 years ago, 3-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 3 of The Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Fully Illustrated
Im keeping a good pace getting out chapters once a week, and i have up to chapter 9 already guaranteed done, Chapter three follows Keliea Nyis a young Light Mage. Check it out and let me know what you think. Feedback is very much appreciated. Hope (...) (8 years ago, 27-Jun-16, to lugnet.castle)
  Chapter 2 of the Ruinous Chronicles Fully Illustrated now up!
Hey as promised I've been keeping my word ad releasing a chapter a week. I'll tell you that for at the very least I will keep pace with this for the next 4 weeks. In this weeks chapter you get a little insight on Ser Linkoln Gondev, Royal Knight and (...) (8 years ago, 20-Jun-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 1 of the Ruinous Chronicles Fully Illustrated Now Up
Hey I'm back with what I promised a chapter a week, fully illustrated. This is the official first chapter of the novel. The first 6 chapters are all going to be following each of the 6 main characters. I already have up to chapter 4 ready to go so (...) (8 years ago, 14-Jun-16, to lugnet.castle)
  Prologue Chapter of the Ruinous Chronicles Full Illustraions
Finally It has begun. The first installment of The Ruinous Chronicles: Smoke Rising, is up and running. I present to you the prologue chapter with full illustrations. I'll be working double time to get as many chapters done as quickly as possible, (...) (8 years ago, 9-Jun-16, to lugnet.castle)
  Renaissance Fair at Brickworld Tampa Images
Hi all, Here are some images of Castle Renaissance Fair at Brickworld Tampa 2015 Built by GFLUG Member James B... Robin W (9 years ago, 7-Oct-15, to lugnet.castle,
  Can't wait!
Excellent news - I for one have been missing your creations! One of these years I'll be able to start work on redoing one of my early ones. (11 years ago, 3-Apr-14, to lugnet.castle)
  Coming soon - Ed Boxer's Lego Castle 2014
Coming soon - an updated expanded version of Ed Boxer's Lego Castle. (11 years ago, 3-Apr-14, to lugnet.castle) ! 
  Nazgul In Lego Store
The Nazgul mounted on a hideous flying beast visits the Lego store! (URL) Click the pic for more details... AC (11 years ago, 19-Sep-13, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.castle, FTX)  

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