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 Castle / * (-5)
  Re: The complete Gryphon's Nest
(...) I remember this caste and story from years ago. Wish we could still see the pics. Any chance Pawal is still on here? The links here no longer works (It has been almost 20 years...) (5 years ago, 24-Mar-20, to lugnet.castle,
  Chapter 6 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustration
Chapter 6 is now live. Chapter six is very special as it rounds out the POV characters with Avey, the most unique of all six. Avey is an Alsatin, a mysterious race living in the Starelm and brings a completely unique perspective to the story. Now (...) (9 years ago, 17-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 6 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustration
Chapter 6 is now live. Chapter six is very special as it rounds out the POV characters with Avey, the most unique of all six. Avey is an Alsatin, a mysterious race living in the Starelm and brings a completely unique perspective to the story. Now (...) (9 years ago, 17-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 5 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustration
Chapter 5 is now up and running. Follow Gentler Leones, Grandmaster of Ruinous and the captain of his guard Damon Stien. Next week will introduce the last POV character. I hope you guys are enjoying the tale so far and that everything is tying in (...) (9 years ago, 11-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  
  Chapter 5 of the Ruinous Chronicles Now Up Full Illustration
Chapter 5 is now up and running. Follow Gentler Leones, Grandmaster of Ruinous and the captain of his guard Damon Stien. Next week will introduce the last POV character. I hope you guys are enjoying the tale so far and that everything is tying in (...) (9 years ago, 11-Jul-16, to lugnet.castle)  

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