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Re: View mode with single-step execution and zooming
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 19:50:51 GMT
3095 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Bill Blackmer writes:
Hello All,

I would like to use VIEW MODE and therefore execute one step at a time in
the building process along with the 3D view (so we can turn the module and
view the different sides and angles) and then view a step installation at
100 or 200 percent.

The divided four windows on the screen are front, top, back, and 3D. Only
the 3D view uses step at a time exection.

We are in VIEW MODE (Setting --  view mode or F2). The Zoom bar goes light
and therefore you can not zoom. If you use the left mouse and select ZOOM
the choices are light and therefore no zooming.

We trying to build the JP Brown's really great CubeSolver from the MLCAD
modules that he provides on his Website.
We are using view mode with single step execution to build each step. In one
step, I do not understand what he is doing and I would like to Zoom the view
to see better detail. All Zoom buttons and mouse pointer for zoom are now
light color which means not avilable.
If I use the other modes (place, move, or size) I can zoom however I do not
get single-step execution ability.
Lastly, the specifc step I am having problems with is hidden with other
parts as I build or look at the following steps. Therefore Zoom does no good
with the other modes (place, move, or size)because there is no single step
execution of the parts building with these modes.

OR AM I HAVING A "SENIOR MOMENT" and just missing an option!

Everything else in MLCAD works great. I have not used the unlaying LDRAW
program or any of the other the LDRAW add-ons.

How about using "draw to selected part" and selecting only the parts in the
first step (or whatever step in question). That way you're not in view mode
and can zoom/twirl as needed.

Alternatively, hide all the parts that are blocking your view of what you
want to see.

Hope that helps.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: View mode with single-step execution and zooming
(...) the (...) mode (...) Additionally, when you have a part selected, you can press the 'S' key and it will jump from step to step. With 'Draw to selected part' on, you will be able to zoom in and view each step. Happy building, --Ryan (...) (23 years ago, 25-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

Message is in Reply To:
  View mode with single-step execution and zooming
Hello All, I would like to use VIEW MODE and therefore execute one step at a time in the building process along with the 3D view (so we can turn the module and view the different sides and angles) and then view a step installation at 100 or 200 (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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