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Resetting view?
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 07:27:58 GMT
Andrew Summersgill <ajs@blahblahblah!AvoidSpam!>
3211 times
Hi there all,

I'm new to this computer Lego computer design malarkey - so have a very
stupid question.  Is there any way, once you have completed a model in
MLCAD, to reset which view is the "front" view?  Only I seem to have
accidentally made my model back to front - D'oh!  Yes, the front is the back
and vice versa.  Don't really want to redo it - but might have to if no-one
knows how to do this.

Sorry for the inane question - didn't find the help files all that useful,
but excellent program all the same.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Resetting view?
Oh, ignore me - I'm being thick (well, it is nearly midnight and my brain is scrambled). Just select all the pieces and rotate them around - yeah yeah, I know that now!! Sorry to have troubled you all, I'm going away now. Thanks again, Andrew. (23 years ago, 26-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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