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 CAD / MLCad / *1898 (-10)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
Hello Michael and Niels, I just checked for myself, I have the same problem. paths for me are: D:\lego\ldraw\MLCad_V3.10 the unofficial parts are here: D:\lego\ldraw\unoff\parts and D:\lego\ldraw\unoff\p First I had a longer name for "unoff". Here (...) (20 years ago, 5-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
(...) I am aware of that it is a new function in version 3.10. When I select Help, About MLCad it shows MLCad Version 3.10 Copyright (c) 1999-2004 by Michael Lachmann I just installed MLCad 3.10 on Windows XP Home Edition, and changed the SCAN_ORDER (...) (20 years ago, 5-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
Sorry about this stupid question: Are you sure you are using version 3.10 of MLCad? Because 3.00 is not able to deal with that! Michael "Niels Karsdorp" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag (...) (20 years ago, 5-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
(...) I did a scan parts from the file menu, still no success. I even tried to change the order: [SCAN_ORDER] 1 = SHOW NewParts 2 = HIDE NewParts\s 3 = SHOW Parts 4 = HIDE Parts\s 5 = HIDE P 6 = HIDE P\48 7 = SHOW MyParts No success. I tried adding (...) (20 years ago, 5-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
Do a scan parts from the file menu, then it should work. Michael "Niels Karsdorp" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag (...) don't (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: Developing MLCAD plugins?
Don, "Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag <SNIP> (...) That will be documented anyway - sure. But for that feature I have to think even more ... but I have already an idea how that could (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jul-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
Personally I would like to see a standard parts structure like this, at least for MLCAD; Parts oldparts unoffparts myparts Parts would be the officially released parts oldparts would be where old official parts are moved to when they are updated (...) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
(...) My folder structure is as follows: D:\LDraw\MLCad_V3.10\ includes MLCad 3.10 install, including MLCad.exe and MLCad.ini D:\LDraw\Parts\ D:\LDraw\Parts\S D:\LDraw\P\ D:\LDraw\P\48\ D:\LDraw\NewParts\ D:\LDraw\NewParts\S\ D:\LDraw\MyParts\ (...) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
(...) hi niels, the code looks fine. please check the following two things: * lets persume that that MLCad.exe and MLCad.ini is stored in: c:\Programs\MLCad and the parts are in: c:\Programs\MLCad\Parts then your custom parts have to be placed in (...) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: *** MLCad V3.10 is available ***
How does that scan_order thing work? I've added three more paths in mlcad.ini, but the parts in these folders don't show up anywhere in MLCad. [SCAN_ORDER] 1 = SHOW Parts 2 = HIDE Parts\s 3 = HIDE P 4 = HIDE P\48 5 = SHOW NewParts 6 = HIDE (...) (20 years ago, 29-Jun-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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