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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 691
  Re: OMR Filenaming Standard Change?
(...) BZZT Wrong Answer. Don't forget model team, some train sets and there is even a castle set with alternate model instructions -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (25 years ago, 20-Jan-00, to
  Re: OMR Filenaming Standard Change?
(...) a (...) maybe 1. Model Team slipped my mind 2. I don't have any train sets, so I don't know what the instructions are like 3. I don't have the castle set either(btw, would you mind providing the set# for it?) Ryan (25 years ago, 21-Jan-00, to
  Re: OMR Filenaming Standard Change?
(...) 6040 Blacksmith Shop. Its a '84 set. :) Jeff (25 years ago, 21-Jan-00, to
  Re: OMR Filenaming Standard Change?
(...) Thanks Jeff. That is very interesting. I wonder why they did that with only one System set and not another? Funny that I didn't notice that when I briefly looked at that set on Brickshelf a couple of weeks ago. :) Ryan (25 years ago, 21-Jan-00, to
  Re: OMR Filenaming Standard Change?
(...) The set is the blacksmiths shop. -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (25 years ago, 22-Jan-00, to

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