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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 3549
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) I'm not complaining as I think it's a bit of a silly rule but this entry (URL) does not fit the rules I read (800x600 and <150k). Does this mean the rules have been changed and if so, can I submit a larger entry of my scene? Yours, Tim (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) 800x600 isn't a hard limit on size, your entry can be larger. This doesn't mean you can submit a 8000x6000 image but 1024x768 is fine. The same applies for the 150k limit (however the rules wording on this point seems to imply differently so (...) (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
--SNIP-- (...) OK. Cheers. I did think it was a bit strict but my reading of the rules was that it was a requirement. I'll email you a new version of my image. Thanks for the clarification. Tim (19 years ago, 5-Dec-05, to
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) I could also email Orion a 800 x 600 version of mine.... (URL) (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to, FTX)
  Re: MOTM / SOTM Voting For December Is Now Open
(...) POVray worked hard for those images. Shrinking them is telling it that you have no respect for its work. You never know, all future renders might turn out wrong because it is mad. ;) Tim (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to, FTX)

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