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Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 22:15:48 GMT
6259 times
On Tue, 02 Mar 2004 06:44:07 +0000, Travis Cobbs wrote:
On a side note, all Windows API calls accept / as a path separator with the
exact same meaning as \.  They can even both be used in the same path (ie
C:/ldraw\parts).  This might even date back to the DOS days, although I'm not
sure on that one.  One catch is that / on the command line is treated entirely
differently from \, making it impossible to use it on the command line (or at
the least very difficult).

Directory separators were added in DOS 2, which accepted both / and \ for
that purpose. The feature was imitated from Unix. At the time, there also
appeared a config.sys setting for *switch* character, which would default
to / but could be set to something else, for instance - for a more
unix-like behaviour. DOS has a system call to determine the current switch
character, which still remains, but the setting itself is gone. Messing
things up further, there's no way to know beforehand how any program will
interpret the command line; it's just passed as a string and it's up to
each program whether to respect the switch character.

In short, if you're lucky, most things work between double quotes. In
system calls, / and \ are equivalent to DOS.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) I believe that this isn't entirely true. We had a problem at work where a program didn't work right in Windows 9x (I think it was 98, but I'm not entirely sure), but worked fine in Windows NT and Windows 2000. After some careful debugging, I (...) (21 years ago, 2-Mar-04, to

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