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 CAD / Development / 9632
    Re: LDrawIni API (was: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths) —Don Heyse
   (...) <Snip ideas> Here are a few random thoughts on those ideas... I haven't thought about it enough to decide if I have a preference on the format of the UnknownFlags. Either way seems ok to me. If directories marked with <SKIP> are excluded from (...) (21 years ago, 16-Mar-04, to
        Re: LDrawIni API (was: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths) —Lars C. Hassing
   (...) By modifying ldraw.ini or setting an env var. Why would you want to enable a <SKIP> dir from within a program? (...) I did notice, but forgot it, sorry. %USERPROFILE% or $HOME for <HOMEDIR>, OK fine with me. (...) Yes, I actually thought of (...) (21 years ago, 16-Mar-04, to

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