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Re: Clikit file naming
Newsgroups:, lugnet.db.brictionary
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:13:43 GMT
8081 times
In, Thomas Garrison wrote:
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Chris Dee wrote:

I have just uploaded to the Parts Tracker three potentially useful Clikit parts.
All part names are temporary.

The female/female (ring) connector
The male/male (bead) connector
Another possibly useful female/female connector

Well, you didn't specifically ask for input on these names, but I'll give
it anyway. :-)

All three of these parts are what TLC calls "Icons".
and (I think) should be named accordingly.  The current name of clikit1 is
particularly unfortunate because Clikits parts include at least one
(small) human-sized ring.

An additional consideration when modeling Clikits parts is that many have
a "frosted" finish, which I think is an aspect of part design and not
color.  Note especially
which has been observed with a partially frosted top.

Peeron currently has many Clikits parts organized into what I think is a
coherent hierarchy
about which feedback would be appreciated.[1,2]

Thanks for your comments - the names are just working titles for the present. I
was really looking for opinions on whether the connector should be called a stud
(as you do) and should have the inbuilt LDraw support for studs.

I'm not sure the term "icon" would be widely understood (even it this _is_ what
TLC call them - they also describe clear 1x2 bricks as windows !). I'm also
somewhat reluctant to use the terms "small" and "large" as you do on some of the
peeron names. So I think we need to add some dimension qualification, otherwise
one could assume that
x746 Clikits Icon Round with Two Holes  and
x747 Clikits Icon Round with Two Studs  are the same size, just differing in the
presence of "studs" and "holes" - which they are not.

But I do take your point regarding "ring".

Regarding the frosted surface, we don't really have a way to do that in LDraw,
and have never been able to accurately represent the textured surface for


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Clikit file naming
(...) it anyway. :-) All three of these parts are what TLC calls "Icons". (URL) (I think) should be named accordingly. The current name of clikit1 is particularly unfortunate because Clikits parts include at least one (small) human-sized ring. An (...) (21 years ago, 15-Mar-04, to, lugnet.db.brictionary)

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