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 CAD / Development / 9600
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Sat, 13 Mar 2004 03:18:50 GMT
3831 times
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:
In, Michael Lachmann wrote: • [snip]

Here the general syntax:

The definition begins with


followed by one or more lines like

n = <VisibilityOption> [<PathKeyname>]Path

where n is a running nummber starting with 1 and counting up,
VisibilityOption currently is one of
    <SHOW> .... to display parts in this directory
    <HIDE> .... to use them when rendering a model only, but not to display
them a useable parts
    more options might follow

PathKeyname is one of the standard directories
    <LDRAWDIR>  is e.g. C:\LDRAW
    <MODELDIR>  is the current directory of your project or the directory
where the current loaded file is located.
    more paths might follow

As an expamle the ini section for the standard search path:
3 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>Parts
4 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>Models

Currently my code doesn't expect all the spaces above, but I'm open to that.
The LDrawSetup program that I'm also writing at the same time
can not preserve the spaces if you add or delete options,
so it will ruin any nice table formatting you have made in Notepad.
However, to support advanced users who are only going to use an editor
I guess we should allow spaces.

Also I currently use a \ in "2=<HIDE><LDRAWDIR>\P" because I have
always thought of it as variable substitution.
However, you could also consider <LDRAWDIR> as a flag (like <HIDE> is a flag)
saying that the following path is a subpath to LDRAWDIR.
In that case it makes sense to omit the \.
\ or / will appear anyway in the file and are not a problem to handle.
More comments on that?

OK, so I'm a new guy in the ldraw dev community, but I figured if I don't say
something now it'll never get considered.  So please go gently on me.  I don't
know the full protocol you guys use to come up with these standers.  But I'll
catch on soon.

Enough disclaimer, on to my comments...

Allowing white space is always a good idea.

I like having the backslash because I agree with Lars, I thought the
<LDRAWDIR>\Parts was a directory and the stuff in the brackets was the base
directory substitution.

Having said that, what about suggesting an additional flag.  One that indicates
what kind of directory this is.  For example:

1 = <SHOW> <MODELDIR>  <Models>
2 = <HIDE> <LDRAWDIR>\P  <Primitaves>
3 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>\Parts <Parts>
4 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>\Models <Models>
5 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>\Unofficial <Unofficial Parts>
6 = <SHOW> <LDRAWDIR>\KimsParts <Unofficial Parts>
7 = <SHOW> C:\temp\downloaded_models <Models>
8 = <SHOW> C:\temp\MOTM <Models>

The final flag, if present, could be a user defined category that would let them
clump the contents of similar groups together.  For instance, all things with
the <Unoficial Parts> tag could be shown together in a MLCad style tree view.
Or if the user preferred, they could just mark them all as <Parts> and all the
unofficial parts would show up under the <Parts> node along with the official
parts.  And you could have several different directories that contain models and
they could all show up under the <Model> node.

I'm trying to explore options that allow a user to have multiple directories
with similar objects in them but have some control as how they would show up in
viewers or editors.

Any merit to this idea?  Any ideas on better ways to get this kind of


Message has 1 Reply:
"Kim Toll" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag <SNIP> (...) base (...) indicates (...) let them (...) with (...) view. (...) the (...) official (...) models and (...) This is a good idea, theoretically we can (...) (21 years ago, 14-Mar-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
(...) Currently my code doesn't expect all the spaces above, but I'm open to that. The LDrawSetup program that I'm also writing at the same time can not preserve the spaces if you add or delete options, so it will ruin any nice table formatting you (...) (21 years ago, 11-Mar-04, to

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