Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Fri, 5 Mar 2004 19:54:46 GMT
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"Lars C. Hassing" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> In, Michael Lachmann wrote:
> > An other thing regards the location of the ini file. In past weeks I got
> > several questions regarding the central installation of LDraw and MLCad,
> > where universities and schools are trying to install everything on a server,
> > read-only for the user. Users should either not have the possiblity to
> > change configs ore should be restricted somehow.
> How will such an installation be laid out?
> Will users install MLCad on their local machine and
> MLCad will then first thing ask the user to locate the LDrawDir,
> which the user specifies as e.g. L:\LDraw or \\server\LDraw ?
They install everything on a NT network, using a server which hold the ldraw
library and also a copy of MLCad.
I recommended to do the installation on the clients using small registry
scripts which setup the registry for the user, pointing
them to the correct installation of the ldraw library already.
I don't know if they used UNC or plain old style directory specifications -
but I guess the old one with X:\\bla\bla.
> If the search path should also contain \\server\ExtraParts
> then you can not place that information in \\server\LDraw\ldraw.ini
> if \\server\LDraw is used from Unix clients also.
> These clients would expect e.g. /net/server/ExtraParts in the ldraw.ini.
Depends, using NFS and under Linux there is another thing (I don't know its
name, but it simulates an NT server), each operating system can specify the
file names however they like. I didn't see any mixed network with unix and
NT within one department - even in the company I'm working for, we have a
lot of different systems including unix and nt systems. But certain
applications are accessible from nt side only, while the others can be
reached via terminal simulations. We do not have any direct storage on unix
which needs to be accessed from nt. Even if its possible.
> How do we solve that?
> How can the user or administrator specify where to find ldraw.ini?
> I'm beginning to understand why you want ldraw.ini in LDrawDir.
> Then you can place ExtraParts below LDrawDir,
> i.e. \\server\LDraw\ExtraParts, and the search path would include
> <LDRAWDIR>\ExtraParts which is usable on all platforms.
> /Lars
Yes, I'm also starting to think about unix style path notation, this way we
can use them directly on unix without modification, on windows we could
replace the slash against a back-slash.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
| (...) How will such an installation be laid out? Will users install MLCad on their local machine and MLCad will then first thing ask the user to locate the LDrawDir, which the user specifies as e.g. L:\LDraw or \\server\LDraw ? If the search path (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-04, to
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