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Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:53:02 GMT
7059 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
Seems to me programs need the ability to specify the LDRAWINI directory
(and possibly LDRAWDIR) on the command line, for non-standard setups.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.  Do you mean "USERS need the
ability to specify", or "programs need the ability to READ"?  Either way,
that approach is for advanced users (software geeks) only.  We're trying
to improve things for ordinary users, and forcing them run a command
prompt to use their preferred non-standard settings in their LDRAW
programs is just wrong.  Even for an advanced user, how is this better
than just setting an environment variable right before running the


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) And I'm pretty sure on Mac OS X, if you use the finder to activate your program, you have no control whatsoever over the command line. So you already need another way if you want to click on a LDR file or link and have something happen. Don (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) Well to be usable, both must be implemented. (...) As I said it would only be for non-standard setups. I think the Lars' search list is ample for the vast majority of people. Those using networks, etc, probably would classify as "advanced (...) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) Seems to me programs need the ability to specify the LDRAWINI directory (and possibly LDRAWDIR) on the command line, for non-standard setups. Maybe the library needs an Ldraw-specific getopt[1] function as well. ROSCO [1] (URL) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to

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