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Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 18:39:05 GMT
6586 times
In, Don Heyse wrote:
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:
Trailing blanks are preserved in both env var and ini files.
So I still don't think quotation marks are necessary...

Ah, but what about leading blanks.  ;^)  Nevermind, I don't think you
can create an absolute path that starts with leading blanks.

No, but leading blanks would be preserved as well...

I think having ldraw.ini in LDRAWDIR is contradictory, the hen and
egg problem.  To keep thing simple I would like to have only *one*
ldraw.ini, and since we're going to have it in
HOME/USERPROFILE/windir anyway to find the LDRAWDIR, I don't see any
reason to spread it out.

The hunt for ldraw.ini could be:

But wait.  The reason given for looking in LDRAWDIR is for a central
networked LDRAW installation at a school.  It'd be nice to have a
default ldraw.ini file at the central location that can be overridden
by one in a users home directory.

Isn't that what %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is for?

Or are you promoting LDRAWINI as the one and only setting required to
be on the client?  Should we depreciate the LDRAWDIR environment
variable since it can be set in the file found by the LDRAWINI hunt?
I don't like this.  I think we can use LDRAWDIR if we're clever.

LDRAWINI is just an opportunity for quickly temporarily using another
specific ldraw.ini file.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) I'm logged onto an NT domain right now at work and it's set to this: ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users That's on the local drive. But I suppose you're right, a competent administrator could set it up somewhere on the network. (...) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) I agree, and prefer <> around all tags. (...) Ah, but what about leading blanks. ;^) Nevermind, I don't think you can create an absolute path that starts with leading blanks. (...) But wait. The reason given for looking in LDRAWDIR is for a (...) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-04, to

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