Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Mon, 1 Mar 2004 15:53:22 GMT
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In, Don Heyse wrote:
> > Another thing regards the location of the ini file. In past weeks I
> > got several questions regarding the central installation of LDraw
> > and MLCad, where universities and schools are trying to install
> > everything on a server, read-only for the user. Users should either
> > not have the possiblity to change configs ore should be restricted
> > somehow.
> Yes, I alluded to this in my previous comment about CACLS and
> Windows administrators.
Oops, I forgot to add this.
These sort of restrictions mean a user may be forced to put extra
search directories in their home directory. Rather than recognize
$HOME or %USERPROFILE% in an absolute path, it might be nice to add
a <HOME> directory tag in addition to <LDRAWDIR> and <MODELDIR>.
I'm not sure what this would default to in single user systems
though. Perhaps the root directory?
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