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Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 16:51:24 GMT
6023 times
In, Don Heyse wrote:
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:
In e.g. Linux, should we read $HOME/LDraw.ini ?  MacOSX ?

Sure, but use lowercase ldraw.ini please!  I'm too lazy to remember to use
the shift key on a case sensitive filesystem.


Also I suggest a \ after <LDRAWDIR>: "2=<HIDE><LDRAWDIR>\P"
Unix platform should of course convert to /.

I disagree with this one.  It should be implicit in the <LDRAWDIR> and
<MODELDIR> tags.

But you don't declare LDRAWDIR as C:\LDraw\, i.e. with a trailing backslash.
We also use %WINDIR%\ldraw.ini and not %WINDIR%ldraw.ini.
I think most variable substitution in any (script) language uses explicit delimiters
in stead of having delimiters as part of the variable.
Probably because it difficult to remove the trailing delimiter in cases it is not needed.

This way we can define all the current default search
paths without any platform dependent characters.

So ?  Is that important ?

In the week end I plan to write a small library (in C) for reading
the env vars and LDraw.ini's to set up the directories. I'll also
write an LDrawSetup application with a GUI for editing LDraw.ini.
All open source, if you want to save the effort yourself.

That sounds wonderful.  There is source for getprivateprofilestring()
writeprivateprofilestring() replacement functions here, if it helps.

Thanks, I'll have a look.

You must have peeked at the ldglite todo list.  If not, here's the
entry I'm talking about.  It has a few extra ideas for your GUI if
you get really motivated.

I already had the MIME-types in mind, but it should have been a surprise :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) Exactly, and you don't look for a part named "\3006.DAT" in the PARTS directory? When you combine the full path to the PARTS directory with the part filename you have to add the "\" yourself, right? So I know you can do it... (...) Ah, but (...) (21 years ago, 26-Feb-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) I also considered suggesting [LDrawSearch] but I held back and went with the "me too". I do like [LDrawSearch] better though. (...) Sure, but use lowercase ldraw.ini please! I'm too lazy to remember to use the shift key on a case sensitive (...) (21 years ago, 26-Feb-04, to

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