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Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 22:17:23 GMT
3804 times
In, Michael Lachmann wrote:
"Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I agree, however I'd like to point out that you could have started a
discussion here, before inventing your own personal solution.  That's
what this forum is for.

Ok right, but when I start discussing new features I'm going to implement
there will be a much bigger delay in new
MLCad version than we have now. The problem is that my time for MLCad is
rather small, and I would like to
spend my spare time for MLCad instead of doing discussions about what to
implement and how to implement.

Bad sign is, that since we started discussions about new features to be a
standard, we got definitly less output
of new features than befor. In the early days someone started a new feature,
used it, made its function public
and others hopped on. This worked great. Beside that I don't feel we are a
huge company which need a lot of
overhead on discussing hows things are working instead of doing - from that
I have enough in my daily job.
(Sorry but I get frustated slowly because the same thing is happening in the
company I employed at the moment)

Since MLCAD is for fun, you should work on it in whatever way makes you
happy.  I guess you'll have to weigh the enjoyment you get from freely
implementing your own standards against any disappointment you may feel
if everyone doesn't agree with you later.

My personal preference is a quick discussion to get the ideas out, then
if a consensus is not reached, do what I like.  Or in the case of the
colors in ldconfig.ldr, give up and wait forever.  I admit, that's pretty
frustrating sometimes...

Getting back to your example, I have some questions.  Are all of those
paths relative to the LDRAWDIR?  Do you allow absolute paths?  Is the
directory containing the model file allowed to be moved around in the
SCAN order?  How would you specify that?

Yes the paths are relative, absolute paths are not forseen at the moment,
but it wouldn't be a big deal to make them absolute or to even mix them.

Yes, I think an absolute path would have to start with a slash or a drive
name so you should be able to tell them apart.  You might want to consider
allowing absolute paths.  Even on Windows an administrator could use the
CACLS command to make the LDRAWDIR read only for ordinary users.  In that
case the only way to add directories to the SCAN_ORDER would be with
absolute paths.

You can move any of the directories arround however you like, and I must
ommit I didn't think about the current model directory. It would be possible
to add this feature in as e.g. SHOW [PROJECT-DIR] where the thing would be a
keyword. The problem is just that this path is known only after the
model has been saved once,

OK, that means it's empty until then.  I don't see a problem with that.

if you save it under another name in a different
location it would change, and not find anything there anymore.

That's true, but would it be any more of a problem than someone moving
the file to a different directory using Explorer?  I suppose you could
have a preference setting, or pop up a dialog asking about the subfiles
when someone does a Save_As operation.

My approach here was to say that sub-models of a project shouldn't have any
official names anyway, but if there is one than I would assume that it would
be an unofficial part, to be replaced by a official part once available.

The project path itself is currently the last one in the search.

That's interesting.  Lars had that listed first in the search list used
by L3P.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
(...) [snip] (...) Yes, I thought we agreed on that long ago (URL) (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
"Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag <SNIP> (...) Ok right, but when I start discussing new features I'm going to implement there will be a much bigger delay in new MLCad version than we (...) (21 years ago, 11-Feb-04, to

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