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 CAD / Development / 9228
    Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —Bob Kojima
   (...) I have just finished a program that can be used to map color names and numbers used between Peeron, Bricklink, LDraw, and Lego. It is called Brick Colors and can be downloaded at (URL) made this program to help me make the colors.txt map file (...) (22 years ago, 3-Sep-03, to  
        colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates! —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Sorry, I just can't find it. Could you give me a direct link? Thanks, /Tore (btw, the file colours.txt is very close to what I have in mind, only that what I think of should not be limited to 80 colours, it should be stored in the LDraw (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jun-04, to
        Re: colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates! —Orion Pobursky
   (...) This is what the ldconfig.ldr file is. Look for it the LDraw base dir. -Orion (21 years ago, 11-Jun-04, to
        Questions On ldconfig.ldr (Was: colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates!) —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Oh boy, I've never noticed that one! Must be because of its misleading name and extension. So, what does the A, DR, DG, DB, DA columns stand for? (A is always = 255, so one can wonder what good it does.) It should benifit from some more (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jun-04, to
        Re: Questions On ldconfig.ldr (Was: colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates!) —Orion Pobursky
     (...) Well the spec is changing so these commands will go away. We (the LSC) are working to get the spec for the color definitions (the !COLOR Meta coomand) finalize by the next parts release. (...) LDView currently uses this file and once we (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jun-04, to
        Re: Questions On ldconfig.ldr (Was: colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates!) —Steve Bliss
   (...) A = alpha (transparency) DR, DG, DB, DA = dithered RGB,A. If RGB = D(RGB), then the color is solid. If DA=0, the color is transparent. Otherwise, the color is dithered and/or translucent. (...) Actually, that kind of information should be set (...) (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
        Re: Questions On ldconfig.ldr (Was: colours.txt -> LDraw-org Official Part Updates!) —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting. And the database should be text-based, space-delimited, available offline to all softwares that may need the info - and udpated regulary. In other words: in the new, improved ldconfig.ldr! :) /Tore (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
        Re: LDraw color conversions —Clark Stephens
   (...) Tore, Is this the kind of output you are looking for? (URL) link will probably wrap) That's just some of the info from my Color Tree pages: (URL) me know what you need, or how you need it presented. I'd be glad to help in any way I can. HTH, (...) (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to

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