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 CAD / Development / 9181
    Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —Ray Sanders
   (...) With respect to the RGB and the CMYK numbers... I did a bit of quick reading about the two color specification models. If I understood it correctly, RGB is more oriented towards monitor displays, while CMYK (subtractive) is intended to specify (...) (22 years ago, 30-Aug-03, to
        Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —Jennifer L. Boger
   (...) Ray- I asked about this and got a sort of vague responce: The CMYK is given to tell people what the CMYK value is. If you want to print with it because it is better for printing, then use that. The values listed are for color the actual (...) (22 years ago, 30-Aug-03, to
        Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —David Laswell
     (...) It should be, since most modern printers use cyan, magenta, and yellow ink for color printing (I'm guessing "K" is for "blacK"?). In working with light, the primaries are red, blue, and green, and the secondaries are cyan, magenta, and _amber_ (...) (22 years ago, 30-Aug-03, to
         Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —Tim David
     (I'm guessing "K" is for "blacK"?). "K" stands for Key, but why black is called key I don't know, you'd have to ask a printer (Person not a machine!) Tim (22 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to
        Re: Official LEGO Color Chart —Derek Raycraft
   (...) The way to test this is to do the translation between CMYK and RGB. If the numbers in the table convert more or less exactly, then we know it's just a simple translation. If they don't match, then it's likely the CMYK values have been ajusted (...) (22 years ago, 2-Sep-03, to

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