Primitive substituion and part reviews
Sun, 27 Jul 2003 18:03:23 GMT
1218 times
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To what extent, if any, should rendering errors caused by primitive substitution
warrent a Hold vote on the PT?
An example of this would be a disc shaped pattern surrounded by a ndis. Would
it be appropritate to add a small, color matching ring around the outside of the
pattern, should the ndis be inlined, or should nothing be done since there are
no actual gaps in the pattern, just those created by the primitive substitution?
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Primitive substituion and part reviews
| (...) They should not warrant a Hold review. Put comments in the review, and if you think the issue is serious enough, go for a NoVote review. (...) If the pattern allows, it would be good to add a color-matched ring primitive around the outside of (...) (22 years ago, 28-Jul-03, to
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