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 CAD / Development / 7304
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Using volume textures to draw studs.
Sun, 9 Jun 2002 18:44:01 GMT
802 times

on the nvidia website I saw an interesting demo called Volume Texture

It shows how you can make snapshots of a model while rotating and store the
slices in a 3d texture. By drawing one of the slices you can display the
object under a certain angle. Because you store the slices in a 3d texture 2
slices get blended to make a smoother transition. Because a stud has a
cylindrical symmetry it is possible to store a ways a stud can be viewed in
such a way. You turn it from top to bottom and render it a few times. These
slices must be stacked in a 3d texture (it works a bit like the monsters in
the doom game. They also are made of a set of bitmaps for each angle). The
lack of proper perspective correction is neglectible because a stud has a
rather compact geometry. I think this is a good way to replace studs because
automatic mip-mapping reduces the complexity of studs in the distance.
Perhaps with the use of normal maps it is possible to add correct lighting
to them.

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