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 CAD / Development / 6243
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Re: Is this part 4459 or part 3673 ?
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 02:36:33 GMT
450 times
I believe both parts are the same, cad wise... physically, however, the
"pin with friction" has small ridges that create the 'friction'.  I
believe there's 8 small ones on each pin side... 16 total.

You're correct, the "pin with friction" has slots, the other does not.
You can't see the slots very well, but you can see the ridges on the
left one fairly well.


Ray Sanders wrote:

I have a part which I believe is 4459 "Technic Pin with Friction", but could be
3673 "Technic Pin". From looking at the partsref pictures, I still cannot tell
for sure. This pin came from <set:8520> (which I am trying to inventory). The
actual part has centered slots on both sides, which are located 90-deg offset
from the slots on the end. So, in theory, I should see this slot along the top
of the part as shown in the partsref picture. Neither partsref picture shows the
center slot, but both show the end slots. Is this a defficiency in the part
description as drawn (and this part is actually 4459) ?


Message is in Reply To:
  Is this part 4459 or part 3673 ?
I have a part which I believe is 4459 "Technic Pin with Friction", but could be 3673 "Technic Pin". From looking at the partsref pictures, I still cannot tell for sure. This pin came from <set:8520> (which I am trying to inventory). The actual part (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to

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