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 CAD / Development / 4765
4764  |  4766
Suggestions needed!
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 06:41:28 GMT
920 times

I finaly got the on-screen shifting in MLCad working (it's nice to work with
by the way).

But now there is one thing open, technically not realy a problem, but it's a
matter of opinion what should happen if the user presses one of the tool-bar
buttons to move a part. Generally I do not have any problem if the part has
been rotated by a multiple of 90 degrees in any direction. But what should
happen if the angle is different?

I can see the following possibilities:

1) Nothing (buttons are disabled)
2) The part moves into the direction shown by the arrow, meaning if the part
has been rotated 90 degrees left on the z-axle and you hit up the part
actually goes left).
3) The part moves one grid step as if it has not been rotated at all
4) The part moves into the direction shown by the arrow and is snapped to the
next grid-point which might confuse the user since it actually could go more
into another direction then the user selected, controlling the behavior in
this case seems to be very difficult.

Another thing open is: If more parts are moved at the same time, MLCad does
the same with all the parts if the orientation is similar (means e.g. all
parts turned left by 90 degrees or some turned left, and some turned right).
But what should happen if the orientation is totally different?

Please tell me what I should implement, since I feel this is an important


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