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Re: Math Help Needed PLEASE
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 07:25:48 GMT
1131 times
:-) Much better ... the compution of the determinant of a matrix was wrong ...
this explains also some strange effects with bfc ...

Thanks anyway!


In, Travis Cobbs writes:

Michael Lachmann <> wrote in message

Ok I got it partly somehow running, but currently I'm fighting with • matrixes
which do not have an inversion-matrix, I got to algorythms on how to get • the
inversion-matrix and in some rare cases they return different values, and • tell
me that they can't build a rotation matrix.

The strange thing with that is, that rotating by 90 degree or 45 degree in • one
direction is fine, but rotating it additionally into another direction • also by
45 degree delivers no inversion matrixes anymore ???

I think either your inversion routine is broken, or your rotation routine is
broken, because I have never had any problems inverting model-view matrices.
If you'd like, I can send you the matrix inversion routine I have.  It is
designed to invert matrices in the format expected by OpenGL, so you would
most likely have to modify it to get the right values, but it does work.
OpenGL matrices are stored as a one-dimensional array of 16 floats in
column-major format (as opposed to the row-major format that a 2-dimensional
C array typecast to a one-dimensional C array would produce).

--Travis Cobbs (
(Remove .REMOVE from e-mail address to e-mail me.)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Math Help Needed PLEASE
Michael Lachmann <> wrote in message (...) matrixes (...) the (...) tell (...) one (...) also by (...) I think either your inversion routine is broken, or your rotation routine is broken, (...) (25 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to

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