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Re: Some ideas about grid mode and rotation
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 06:05:51 GMT
635 times
In, Chuck Sommerville writes:
Since rotation is defined by a transformation matrix, and since the rotation
portion of a transformation matrix is in reality three unit vectors in X,Y and
Z with respect to the new orientation,  then moving an object in grid mode
should move the object by the conventional step amount, multiplied by the unit
vector in the coresponding direction of the transformation matrix.

This sounds like a realy good idea which would solve my problem with the steps
when the part is rotated along the x or z axle. I believe it's not to hard to
implement, so I will give it a try this afternoon :-)

The only "down" side to this is that if a piece is, say, upside down, then
moving the piece up, would really move it down.

This is the only worry I have, that people are going to mail me and tell me
what the hell is going on here, I press the button to move it left and it goes
So not very intuitive, but I think it should be possible to reverse this
process to find out the right shift-vector so that the part follows the arrows
on the buttons, or am I wrong? But I will give that a try too.

Another thing that would make life easier would be to have new pieces inherit
the rotation of the last piece added or selected.  This would allow builders
to rotate a single piece, and build in the new orientation from there.

I think that should not be a problem at all, since that just means remeber the
rotation-matrix of the last rotation operation and use at the initial matrix
for new parts ...

I realize that both of these things could make general building be more
confusing, however, if there were some kind of a check box to turn this mode
on and off, then when it is useful, it could be used.

This is sure no deal, but slowly I get confused myself by all this buttons,
boxes and fields in my setup-dialog :-)
I have something in mind to ask the people help me with desiging the layout of
the program.

For what its worth,


Cool, thanks for this tips ... will write again soon ...


Message is in Reply To:
  Some ideas about grid mode and rotation
I have been reading some threads about how far to move an object in grid mode, and how this relates to rotations, and have come to the following conclusion. Since rotation is defined by a transformation matrix, and since the rotation portion of a (...) (25 years ago, 24-Apr-00, to

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