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 CAD / Development / 424
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Re: Quality of authored parts
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 03:42:27 GMT
1311 times
On Sat, 27 Feb 1999 01:09:33 GMT, "Earls HouseHold" <>

John VanZwieten wrote in message ...
What do others think?  (Try not to get personal.)

Thank you, John, you have boiled it all down to its component parts.  I can
think of no reason not to follow any of your points.  That does include the
"don't get personal" aside.  Well done.

Bravo Zulu


I second that.  John has pretty succinctly summed up what is needed.

-- Terry K --

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Quality of authored parts
John VanZwieten wrote in message ... (...) Thank you, John, you have boiled it all down to its component parts. I can think of no reason not to follow any of your points. That does include the "don't get personal" aside. Well done. Bravo Zulu Roy (26 years ago, 27-Feb-99, to

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