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Re: [] L3P Question
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 01:02:07 GMT
940 times
On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 14:05:07 GMT, "Lars C. Hassing" <> wrote:
Now, for the camera views.

First,  screw all the other methods of figuring out how to
place a camera. Stop trying to fathom  X,Y,Z coordinates
with your fingers, and put your left hand down.  :-)
Forget the lattitudes and longitudes, and translations and
vectors and all that other $%#!.

Once you have the .pov file made, go back into LEdit.  Place
a light.dat about where you want the camera to be.  Then
place another one where you want the camera to look_at or point.

Save the file.   Open it in a text editor.  The first 3
coordinates of the first light dat directly correspond to
the camera location coordinates in the pov file.
copy and past them from the .dat to the .pov.

Do the same with the second light.dat's coordinates.  Paste
them into the cameras Look_At  coordinates.

Make sure you paste into the proper places.

Render and thank me later.  :-)  (1)
Or better yet, thank Lars for using the same coordinate
system that makes this possible.  (2)

Oh no, no, no!
What is this? Is it that difficult to use the latitude/longitude?
Using the above copy-n-paste will bypass L3P's efforts to place
the model in the center of the image with equal amount of space
around it. You risk cutting off part of the model.

Lars, I didn't intend for this to be a "fix" of any type.  And the
latitude/longitude method is a good one to use.  If I sit there thinking about
it enough, I can do it.
And the automatic centering of the model is a fantastic feature that I love.
I just offered this method as a fairly simple way of directly finding xyz
coordinates to use in an existing pov file - using the simple expedient of
moving a point around in LEdit.

I used the globe concept because I assumed it was easy to grasp.
No worry about X Y Z coordinates, just imagine your model inside
a globe. I even made an illustrative image (at least I thought so):

Could you (or others) please try to explain what the difficult part is.

How did I fail to make the description in
intelligible and explanatory?

That said, I admit L3P lacks a way of specifying the look_at
position, which currently is set to the center of the model.
But the camera position may also be set by -cc<x>,<y>,<z> and
light.dat may be recognized by the -l options (see also -ld).

No, I can follow your explanation.  And I can even envision a model in my head
and extrapolate where to change the camera coordinates to.  Your system works
fine, and I am in no way denigrating it.  Sorry if it seemed that way.  I was a
bit insensitive in my remarks.  :-(

My method, using LEdit, just allows me to be lazy.  I can move the point
(light.dat is just handy for that) around to where I think it should be, then
look at the coordinates and use those numbers.  No straining of my brain
required.  :-)

-- Terry K --

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: [] L3P Question
(...) I agree on that. I really was in doubt whether or not to add the logo, but after looking at many renderings I found it to increase realism very much (as do textures in general, compared to "flat" faces). I also considered writing e.g. "LARS" (...) (26 years ago, 14-Apr-99, to

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