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 CAD / Development / 10255
    Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —Damien Guichard
   (...) (* off-topic discussion *) Design and implementation are not as independant as i wish. As part of the design requirements, i pointed moves should be functions and be as composable as functions are. Practically that means the language must (...) (20 years ago, 29-Aug-05, to
        Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —Timothy Gould
     (...) Hi Damien, The correct place for your response would be .off-topic.geek which is where I set the follow up to in the response post. I thought you were proposing to write a scripting language, but now I suspect you mean that people should use (...) (20 years ago, 29-Aug-05, to
        Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —James Reynolds
     Why not develop something abstract. If you come up with a way to notate an animation in any langauge, perhaps it will catch on. James (...) (20 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to
         Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —Erik Olson
     I wonder if anyone remembers the 80s game "Story Machine" from Spinnaker Software (publishers of "Face Maker" and other silly products.) This program acted out the sentences you typed in. It was a kind of self-illustrating text adventure. For (...) (20 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to
        Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —danny staple
   (...) I think you may need to explain you choices further. Python supports variable numbers of function arguments, as does Perl. In Python it is relatively easy to check the types of the arguments, and implement overloading and type checking inside (...) (20 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to
        Re: LDraw Animation - Why MPD? —Damien Guichard
   (...) (* off-topic discussion *) To create a matrix the OCaml code is: let x = Array.make_matrix nrow ncol 0.0 I acknowledge: * OCaml is not widely used * even more esoteric than Perl would be a complete turn off * popular is not a word I would (...) (20 years ago, 1-Sep-05, to

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