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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4689
    Re: Minifig Lightsaber Shortcut - Dual Light bars —Paul Easter
   (...) Only because full length seemed too long. The main reason I asked about this one is because of the shortened bars. As far as I know they do not exist. I can make them full length and post it. Paul P.S. I also added POV light.dat to each of the (...) (22 years ago, 18-May-03, to
        Re: Minifig Lightsaber Shortcut - Dual Light bars —Steve Bliss
   (...) I think I'd prefer full-length bars, since the shortened bars aren't actually LEGO parts. OTOH, it would be really cool to make an animation of a dual light sabre 'revving up'. (...) Good idea. :) Steve (22 years ago, 20-May-03, to

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