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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4274
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[DAT] (requires LDraw-compatible viewer)
Re: Minifig Torso diagonal Edge
Sun, 22 Sep 2002 09:52:58 GMT
1497 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
The pattern I am working on has a lot of fine detail that is pretty close to
the edge. The large diagonal edge on each side is giving me some trouble...
Just using one trapezoid from the top edge corner to the bottom (taking up
the whole diagonal) is how I did the last torso I did, but this one the
detail is too close

So I did a little trig...

x •         y
Torso edge top pt
Torso edge bot bt


(obviously excel ran out of precision there!)

Some possible intermediate points:

Given X         Get Y
15.276000 • 7.400000
16.207000 • 12.800000
17.138000 • 18.200000
18.069000 • 23.600000

(these seem the most obvious intermediate points since the ratios aren't
particularly friendly... 4655 factors as 5 * 7 * 7 * 19 which has no common
factors with 2700 except 5)

Are these acceptable approximate intermediate points? I realise that this
may cause some apparent holes/rotation flickers at high magnifications.

You should be OK with three decimal places of precision.

However, if the pattern does not go right to the edge, you may be able to avoid
these miniscule problems (and make life easier for yourself) by defining a
narrow triangle with one edge on the long diagonal and another long edge at a
slope with better factors.
3 16  13.6 2 -10  14.345 2 -10  19 29 -10
This gives a slope of 0.200 which is much easier to deal with.

In my experience (which is mainly with the older, less detailed, torsos) the y
co-ordinates are often close enough to integer LDu values. I have a table of
x-values for the diagonal edge pre-printed on the design sheet I use. So I have
never used this technique, but now I've thought of it, I may do.


Message is in Reply To:
  Minifog Torso diagonal Edge
The pattern I am working on has a lot of fine detail that is pretty close to the edge. The large diagonal edge on each side is giving me some trouble... Just using one trapezoid from the top edge corner to the bottom (taking up the whole diagonal) (...) (22 years ago, 22-Sep-02, to

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