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Re: [Datsville] Datsville Shopping Center
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:09:16 GMT
2236 times
Jaw drops . . .  Eyes blink . . .

Sweetness!  Jeff, this is just great.  I don't have time now to look at all
the details, but the scope of this thing is awesome.  I couldn't believe it
just kept getting bigger.  And you even did the sidewalks for me!  I just
popped it right in w/o having to do any landscapping at all.

I did have one problem with the file though.  When M-Peedy splits the .mpd
file, your email address gets line-wrapped to its own line--which LEdit
doesn't appreciate at all.  So I had to go through all your subfiles and fix
this.  I don't know if its the <>'s that cause this or what.

Great model, anyway.  You folks are going to be amazed if I can ever get the
next update out!  (It's gonna be a late night tonight, as I leave for Mindfest
tom. morning.)

-John Van

Jeff Stembel <> wrote in message
After a long construction period, the Datsville Shopping Center is open for
business!  Many stores have moved into the Shopping Center, welcoming
neighborhood minifigs into their establishments for the first time.

Jeff Stembel
Mayor of Datsville

The Directory lists the following businesses:

Datsville Grocery
Wind Shears Barber Shop
Datsville Watches and Jewels
Oren Edward's Brokerage
Fossum Travel  (Special Rates to Scandinavia!)
The China House Restaurant
**Space For Lease**
Picture Perfect Portraits
Second Bank of Datsville Branch
Kelsi Noel, Attorney at Law

This mpd will need to be split to view it properly.  I'd advise viewing it • at
at least 25% to see the entire thing.
Let me Know what you Think!

"I've had enough. I will not allow this! I will pay you back; because
forgiveness, for one like you, could never be an option."

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [Datsville] Datsville Shopping Center
(...) I figured it would help. I also tried to get rid of as many hidden pieces as I could, just in case it would speed up rendering slightly. :) (...) Grrr... I thought I fixed that. :( I guess I was mistaken in thinking it was the comma that used (...) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)

Message is in Reply To:
  [Datsville] Datsville Shopping Center  [DAT]
PRESS RELEASE: After a long construction period, the Datsville Shopping Center is open for business! Many stores have moved into the Shopping Center, welcoming neighborhood minifigs into their establishments for the first time. Jeff Stembel Mayor of (...) (25 years ago, 19-Oct-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)

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