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 CAD / LDraw Files / Models / 2297
2296  |  2298
Re: Understanding the Datsville Coordinates
Fri, 22 Jul 2011 12:01:34 GMT
31758 times
Tore Eriksson wrote:

Btw, I am thinking about the fact that Datsville can in fact also be
divided into baseplates of 32x32 studs. It may probably be more
helpful when you try to find your way in Datsville (but at the same
time, maybe adds even more confusion?). The x and z coordinates of all
baseplates are multiples of 640.  Divide them by 640 and we get
comprehensive numbers we may use in some way. What if we create a
system for labelling all baseplate positions after those numbers?
Unfortunately, there are negative numbers so I don't know the best way
to deal with that, and to deal in a future safe way when Datsville
hopefully expands in all directions. Any suggestions on this?

What about mapping Datsville in four zones?  Each zone matching a
quadrant in the (x,z) coordinate system.  Within the zones it will be
possible to use positive coordinates.

It could for example be like this:

+ Zone A (x>0,z>0)
+ Zone B (x>0,z<0)
+ Zone C (x<0,z<0)
+ Zone D (x<0,z>0)

Within each zone the coordinates of a plate can be written "Z-I-J",
where Z is the zone identification letter, I = ceil(abs(x)/640) and J =

If I read the notes at
correctly, the above system means that:

+ the fire station is located at A-1-1,
+ my small parisian shop at D-3-3, and
+ the town hall at D-6-1.

Play well,

Formula One Racers (with building instructions):

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Understanding the Datsville Coordinates
(...) Thanks for the response. I know you're right; it's normal behaviour for coordinate systems. But I guess I'm not normal. :) For some reason, I have no problems with the y axis, despite it goes the wrong way. Probably because you always know (...) (15 years ago, 24-May-10, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)

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