Re: Understanding the Datsville Coordinates
Fri, 22 Jul 2011 12:01:34 GMT
31758 times
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Tore Eriksson wrote:
> Btw, I am thinking about the fact that Datsville can in fact also be
> divided into baseplates of 32x32 studs. It may probably be more
> helpful when you try to find your way in Datsville (but at the same
> time, maybe adds even more confusion?). The x and z coordinates of all
> baseplates are multiples of 640. Divide them by 640 and we get
> comprehensive numbers we may use in some way. What if we create a
> system for labelling all baseplate positions after those numbers?
> Unfortunately, there are negative numbers so I don't know the best way
> to deal with that, and to deal in a future safe way when Datsville
> hopefully expands in all directions. Any suggestions on this?
What about mapping Datsville in four zones? Each zone matching a
quadrant in the (x,z) coordinate system. Within the zones it will be
possible to use positive coordinates.
It could for example be like this:
+ Zone A (x>0,z>0)
+ Zone B (x>0,z<0)
+ Zone C (x<0,z<0)
+ Zone D (x<0,z>0)
Within each zone the coordinates of a plate can be written "Z-I-J",
where Z is the zone identification letter, I = ceil(abs(x)/640) and J =
If I read the notes at
correctly, the above system means that:
+ the fire station is located at A-1-1,
+ my small parisian shop at D-3-3, and
+ the town hall at D-6-1.
Play well,
Formula One Racers (with building instructions):
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Understanding the Datsville Coordinates
| (...) Thanks for the response. I know you're right; it's normal behaviour for coordinate systems. But I guess I'm not normal. :) For some reason, I have no problems with the y axis, despite it goes the wrong way. Probably because you always know (...) (15 years ago, 24-May-10, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)
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