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 CAD / LDraw Files / Models / 2175
2174  |  2176
MOC: Notre Dame, Paris
lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.cad.dat.models
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:51:01 GMT
1753 times
Hello All:

This is my first post to the newsgroups. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to
cross-post to other groups; let me know if that is discouraged.

I've started working on a minifig-scale model of the Notre Dame cathedral in
Paris. I've got a preliminary version of the flying buttress done. You can see
it over on brickshelf:

Because of the lack of Gothic arches in the Lego system, I've settled on the
rounded style. I've started to read some about the SNOT techniques, and I might
try to do some of them that way. That won't work for open-ended arches, like the
ones in the flying buttress though. I would appreciate any comments or

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC: Notre Dame, Paris
(...) Looks like it will turn out quite nice. Is the cathedral going to be all CAD, or are you using the CAD program to plan what you're going to build in real life? The crossposting you used for the message was exactly the way it should be. : ) (...) (19 years ago, 14-Nov-05, to

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